Frequently Asked Questions

What is going on here?

MLTSHP is an approximate clone of the much-loved site MLKSHK created by Andre and Amber which closed in April of 2017. We are 100% community funded and member-run. The site is subscription-based and is a registered corporation. The code is on Github along with a welcome module there which talks about what is going on. There is also a Slack (email for an invite!) and a Facebook group.

What do the membership levels mean?

Membership is required to participate on MLTSHP, but it‘s a low bar! We‘d love to have you aboard! These are the options:

  • Non-members can see the Popular page and individual posts.
  • The Single Scoop level ($3 per year) is a great way to check out the site. Members can:
    • Post images and videos to their own shakes and to group shakes, up to a monthly upload limit of 300MB for images and animated GIFs.
    • Follow their friends‘ shakes, and follow and join group shakes.
    • Save, like, and comment on any posts.
  • The Double Scoop level ($24 per year) can do all of the above, plus:
    • There are no fixed upload limits.
    • Make up to 100 of their own group shakes.
    • Get a little plus sign next to their name.
    • Have RSS feeds for their shakes.
    Even at just $2 per month, Double Scoop members cover the primary expenses of running MLTSHP and help make the Single Scoop level possible.

We ran some numbers and determined that with our current membership, we could run the site if most users contributed $2/month. This includes things like paying for storage, hosting, bandwidth, a business license, someone to do our taxes and answer the odd legal question we may have to ask. We added a “bare bones” membership because we don‘t want anyone to be excluded.