This is a BETA version of MLTSHP. Anything you do here will be wiped before
launch. Please kick the tires, and report any issues in the
bug list. You can also join the #beta-testers channel on the
MLTSHP slack. You can’t import your MLKSHK yet, but all other
MLKSHK functionality should be working.
<div class="alert">
This is a BETA version of MLTSHP. Anything you do here will be wiped before
launch. Please kick the tires, and report any issues in the
<a href="#">bug list</a>. You can also join the #beta-testers channel on the
<a href="#">MLTSHP</a> slack. You can’t import your MLKSHK yet, but all other
MLKSHK functionality should be working.
<div class="alert alert--marquee">
<strong>Attention!</strong> Grab what you want to save because this server
will be zapped and taken offline on <u>Sunday, May 14th</u> as we prepare
for our official launch!! <span style="font-size: 20px">💃️🕺️</span>
This is an alert about something really serious!
<div class="alert alert--danger">
This is an alert about something really serious!
This is an alert about something you should pay attention to!
<div class="alert alert--warning">
This is an alert about something you should pay attention to!
Hey! You still have MLKSHK posts that you haven’t restored! If you want to restore your content now, head this way.
<div class="migration-reminder">
Hey! You still have MLKSHK posts that you haven’t restored! If you want to
restore your content now, <a href="#">head this way.</a>