Fun Form

This is our default form style. Note that it expects to be used in a constrained width container.

<div class="page">
	<div class="wrapper">
		<div class="content content-narrow">
			<div class="fun-form">
					<div class="field">
						<label for="username-fun">Username</label>
						<div class="field-input">
								value="Your Name"
							<div class="error">
								<span class="error-text">Here’s what an error looks like!</span>
						<div class="field-help">
							30 characters or fewer. Letters, digits, underscores or dashes
					<div class="field">
						<label for="about-fun">About You</label>
						<div class="field-input">
							<textarea id="about-fun">Something something…</textarea>
						<div class="field-help">255 characters max.</div>
					<div class="field field-prefix">
						<span class="name-prefix"></span>
						<div class="field-input">
							<div class="error">
								<span class="error-text"> That URL is not valid. </span>
					<div class="field">
						<label for="favorite-fun">Flavor</label>
						<div class="field-input">
							<select id="favorite-fun">
								<option value="chocolate">Chocolate</option>
								<option value="strawberry">Strawberry</option>
								<option value="vanilla">Vanilla</option>
					<div class="field">
						<div class="field-input">
								<input type="checkbox" name="disable_notifications" value="1" />
								Disable Notifications?
					<div class="field">
						<div class="field-input">
								<input type="radio" name="rad" />
								Radio input
					<div class="field field-submit">
							class="btn btn-primary btn-shadow btn-large"
							value="Create It!"

Fun Form Stacked

A vertically-stacked modifier for Fun Form. Useful for width-constrained areas like the sidebar.

<div class="page">
	<div class="wrapper">
		<div class="content content-narrow">
			<div class="fun-form fun-form-stacked">
					<div class="field">
						<label for="username-stacked">Username</label>
						<div class="field-input">
							<input id="username-stacked" class="input-text" type="text" />
							<div class="error">
								<span class="error-text">Here’s what an error looks like!</span>
						<div class="field-help">
							30 characters or fewer. Letters, digits, underscores or dashes
					<div class="field">
						<label for="about-stacked">About You</label>
						<div class="field-input">
							<textarea id="about-stacked"></textarea>
						<div class="field-help">255 characters max.</div>
					<div class="field field-prefix">
						<span class="name-prefix"></span>
						<div class="field-input">
							<input class="input-text" type="text" name="name" value="" />
							<div class="error">
								<span class="error-text"> That URL is not valid. </span>
					<div class="field">
						<label for="favorite-stacked">Flavor</label>
						<div class="field-input">
							<select id="favorite-stacked">
								<option value="chocolate">Chocolate</option>
								<option value="strawberry">Strawberry</option>
								<option value="vanilla">Vanilla</option>
					<div class="field">
						<div class="field-input">
								<input type="checkbox" name="disable_notifications" value="1" />
								Disable Notifications?
					<div class="field">
						<div class="field-input">
								<input type="radio" name="rad" />
								Radio input
					<div class="field field-submit">
							class="btn btn-primary btn-shadow btn-large"
							value="Create It!"

Fun Form Errors

List of errors that usually lives above the form.

Couldn’t create the shake. You’ll need to change a couple of things.

<p class="fun-form-errors">
	<strong>Couldn’t create the shake</strong>. You’ll need to change a couple of

Form Fields

Unstyled native form elements for reference.

Fieldset Legend
Clickable inputs and buttons
		<legend>Fieldset Legend</legend>
		<div class="field">
			<label for="ex-text">Text input</label>
			<div class="field-input">
				<input id="ex-text" type="text" value="default value" />
		<div class="field">
			<label for="ex-email">Email input</label>
			<div class="field-input">
				<input id="ex-email" type="email" />
		<div class="field">
			<label for="ex-search">Search input</label>
			<div class="field-input">
				<input id="ex-search" type="search" />
		<div class="field">
			<label for="ex-tel">Tel input</label>
			<div class="field-input">
				<input id="ex-tel" type="tel" />
		<div class="field">
			<label for="ex-url">URL input</label>
			<div class="field-input">
				<input id="ex-url" type="url" placeholder="http://" />
		<div class="field">
			<label for="ex-password">Password input</label>
			<div class="field-input">
				<input id="ex-password" type="password" value="password" />
		<div class="field">
			<label for="ex-file">File input</label>
			<div class="field-input">
				<input id="ex-file" type="file" />
		<div class="field field-radio">
			<div class="field-input">
				<input id="ex-radio" type="radio" name="rad" />
			<label for="ex-radio">Radio input</label>
		<div class="field field-checkbox">
			<div class="field-input">
				<input id="ex-checkbox" type="checkbox" />
			<label for="ex-checkbox">Checkbox input</label>
		<div class="field">
			<label for="ex-select">Select field</label>
			<div class="field-input">
				<select id="ex-select">
					<option>Option 01</option>
					<option>Option 02</option>
		<div class="field">
			<label for="ex-textarea">Textarea</label>
			<div class="field-input">
				<textarea id="ex-textarea" cols="30" rows="5">Textarea text</textarea>
		<legend>Clickable inputs and buttons</legend>
		<input type="reset" value="Reset (input)" />
		<input type="button" value="Button (input)" />
		<input type="submit" value="Submit (input)" />
		<button type="button">Button (button)</button>